Warning: Contents Unstable
by Paris Rosemont
"…hemorrhaging poems, each phrase peeled from the flesh in bandages"
~Derek Walcott (The Walk)
OFTENTIMES my bandages get stuck on wounds still oozing. I have agitated
them prematurely again, weeping Fe2O3·nH2O staining my skin. I am 6x shades
darker than my innocence born, quivering tonsils, shaking bodily with unworldly
despair some two score four ago. Engulfed with molten crust that scabs around
my sloshing ache, the acid of shadows housed in a stainless steel drum stickered
in yellow and black, marked RADIOACTIVE. Warning: contents unstable. Deep
geological disposal recommended, according to the International Atomic Energy
Agency Paper that nobody bothered to read to the end. Cutting costs, the nuclear
waste of my past is packed into a shipping container on a cargo ship bound for Finland,
where it will be trucked to a near-surface disposal facility, placed inside a fuel pellet
inside a fuel rod inside a cannister insert inside a copper overpack inside a Bentonite
buffer inside tunnel backfill and buried under some five hundred metres of bedrock
that looks nothing like I’d imagined from watching reruns of The Flintstones on the Cartoon
Network on Saturday morning telly. Still, they have gone to great lengths to bury my pain.
I watch through a livestreamed broadcast, as my shit is laid to rest like a vampire in a silver-
lined casket, vault backfilled and capped with supposedly impermeable membrane and top-
soil. But they’ve skimped on the drainage and gas venting system. Eventually, the noxious
fumes bust open the lid, like Bonnie and Clyde staging a heist from the grave. Surprise, suckers!