The Unknown Soldier
by Joseph Ogbonna
I am your unknown soldier, sleeping and unsung.
I fought, got maimed, I was taken prisoner and hung.
I spilled my blood for the imperialist's glory.
I gave my own life for the general's story.
I promoted him with an indelible name.
I got his name enshrined in history's hall of fame.
He drank my precious blood for his exaltation.
He is eulogized in every celebration.
He enjoys the war booty I lavished on him.
My exploits are sung in his honour like a hymn.
I conquered vast lands for the imperialist's greed.
For his selfish ambition I was made to bleed.
On the gains of my own conquest he came to feed.
But to oblivion I have always been consigned.
My own heroism has never been defined.
I am none else but the age-old soldier unknown,
the one whose heroism will never be known.
The state buries my bravery in an unmarked grave,
with no record at all of all to it I gave.
Where else could my honoured general be interred,
but the stately mausoleum that makes him revered.