My Ancestors Pondered Concrete
by Agrimmeer DeMolay
my ancestors pondered concrete
even after it set, surfaces still as cliffs,
facing sunrises and storms. their works
inched skyward, ducts funneling toward the thirsty,
who enjoyed the fruits
of their exactitude. the laurel-headed
dwelled long on the color purple
believing it excited them for a reason
worth learning, ordering drunken
scholars to find out why. those ancient warriors
couldn’t sail worth a damn; so they forged
iron spikes for a ship to cling to another,
“wherever I stand is mine”. such robed folk
loved the republic until they did not,
with nominal complaint
that their senate faded,
abridged, a trunk debarked,
a lamb’s wool collected
too diligently, those olds
sated on the spoils of past wars,
wizened, nodding,
tenderhearted at last.